
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

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Painted Models and Dev Diary: Faker
about 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 12:43:17 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

It's been a couple of weeks since the campaign has ended, Eternians and we're bringing to you today the first post-campaign update. We are still working on the preparations for the Pledge Manager and we'll keep you posted for the date for its launch. In the meantime, we'd like to share with you some of the painted models that we didn't have ready during the campaign (though we still have more pictures to receive) and a Dev Diary to go in-depth into the very first reward of the campaign: Faker.

Bounty Hunter Trap Jaw

Painted by Jose Gonzalez. Models come unpainted.

He-Man Mini Clones

Painted by BigChild Creatives. Models come unpainted.
Painted by BigChild Creatives. Models come unpainted.

Skeletor Mini Clones

Painted by BigChild Creatives. Models come unpainted.
Painted by BigChild Creatives. Models come unpainted.

Battle Cat

Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.


Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

Masters, Evil Warriors: Michael Shinall here to take a look at the very first piece of additional content that was presented in the campaign, the diabolical double himself: Faker!

Today we're going to focus specifically on Faker's Player version, since we have a lot to cover with this unique addition to the roster.

Our usual disclaimer applies here, Eternians: all components seen here are still in development and are subject to change. 

Player Card

Faker is just blue He-Man. Otherwise there is no difference. We can end the article there.

HA! You were tricked! One might even say you were... Faked-Out!

...Ok, sorry for that pun. Let's move on and take a look at Faker's actual Player Card:

A common theme you will see here is that Faker does indeed share numerous Skills with He-Man, half of them, in fact, but we'll explain that more when we look at his individual skills. When focusing on his basic Player Skill, he first has his Replica Power Sword, which as the name suggests is similar to He-Man's own (actual) Power Sword. The difference between the two is that He-Man's can be boosted for greater damage/dice, whereas Faker's carries a slightly less powerful damage/dice boost but also ignores Defense (as you were caught off guard).

Moving on to Faker's other Skill, Impostor, we see that it doesn't actually do anything on its own, but rather impacts all of Faker's other Skills. This will become very important once we get into those, but the thing to note here is that it makes Faker one of the only Characters that can (semi) freely switch any and all of his Skills throughout the game. A number of Characters might have select Skills that can be flipped around, but few have the raw variety that Faker offers - but let's look into why this is important.


As mentioned above, Faker shares exactly half his Skills with that of the Core Box He-Man, so if all you wanted to do was play another (blue and evil) version of He-Man, this will also grant you that option. Doing so, however, would be wasting half of Faker's true potential! Let's run down his skills one-by-one and we'll explain:

Throw (Green Skill): This is the green (aka first unlocked) Skill that Faker shares with He-Man. Aside from being one of the most fun Skills to utilize (who doesn't like throwing Enemies into other Enemies?) this also gives Faker a pseudo-ranged attack... With the ammo being his enemies.

I'm the Hero of Eternia! (Green Skill): And now the first bit of trickery is shown. Whereas He-Man has Charge (a damaging offensive/mobility Skill), Faker has a pure Defensive Skill. This helps make up for the lesser-durability that Faker has compared to He-Man, but also grants him a powerful tool to damage Enemies even when its not his Activation. Perhaps most importantly is going back to the fact that you can switch between these Skills via his Impostor Character Skill, meaning you can wreck some offense with Throw, then quickly switch to defense with Hero of Eternia.

Earth Shatter (Yellow Skill): Once again copying a move from the Strongest Man in the Universe, this is an exceptionally potent attack that can function as an Area-of-Effect hit with proper positioning (or usage of Deceive, but more on that later...) It also presents Faker a method of Dazing his opponents - handy for anyone with high Armor!

Fake-Out (Yellow Skill): This one is fun. Another defensive Skill, this one can make Faker completely immune to Enemy attacks, as he convinces them that he is down-and-out (only to blindside them later, of course). This means that with proper utilization of this Skill, an opponent will only get 1 good hit on Faker, making Activation order incredibly important!

I Have Your Power! (Red Skill): This is a (slightly) less potent version of He-Man's own "I Have the Power!" Skill. While Faker might be a master at pretending to be He-Man, he doesn't actually have the backing of Grayskull, so sort of has to deal with the generic-label version of calling down the thunder. It's still incredibly potent though, as it's a Skill that allows him to deal direct Wounds to an enemy - no need to make an Attack or roll any dice!

Deceive (Red Skill): This shows just how far Faker can go to convince others that he is, in fact, the real He-Man. By using this Skill, you can manipulate your foes into completely trusting you - even causing them to turn on their allies (who are obviously the actual fakes!!!) and aid you instead. One great combo is Deceiving an enemy, moving them into a position to strike one of their allies, and once that is done hitting both of them with a well-placed Earth Shatter or I Have Your Power. Of course, this is just one example of a fun combo you can utilize!

And that's going to wrap up our look at Faker and his Player version! Who would you like us to cover next time? Is there a specific element of the game you want to see discussed in depth?

You have the Power!

You Have the Power!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 03:41:56 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

In today's story we've learned that together we can accomplish great deeds, and that the power of support, encouragement, and trust can take us beyond all expectations! Sure, sometimes we all have our moments of doubt, but if we can get through them together, we'll only grow stronger! 

You, Eternians and Etherians, have made this an amazing campaign and it couldn't have been this incredible journey if it wasn't for you and your support! A huge THANK YOU from all of us here at CMON and Mattel Games!

We are honored and grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside Mattel Games to bring the beloved Masters of the Universe franchise to the tabletop, and we're equally honored to have teamed up with all the talented artists that contributed to this project. We can't wait for you all to receive the game in your homes and get to play and enjoy it for many years!

We may have fallen short of the final Stretch Goal we revealed, but we're going to go ahead and unlock it for all of you:

Well, the campaign is over, so what’s the next step?

We’ll use your pledge information to populate an account on our Pledge Manager, and when that’s complete we’ll send you a link at the email address you have registered on Kickstarter. On the pledge manager, you will be able to specify which items you want, pay for additional items and also for shipping. In case you have any trouble processing your payment at the end of the campaign, please visit the Kickstarter’s FAQ Page. We reproduce here the pertinent section:


A project I’m backing just succeeded and my card was declined. What do I do?

If your pledge was declined, just log in to Kickstarter and click the “Fix payment” button in the banner at the top of your screen. This will guide you through the process of changing your payment method. We’ll also send you an email every 48 hours with a direct link to correct the issue. Don’t delay, however: backers have 7 days to resolve payment issues before they are dropped from the project. Here are things to look into:

1. Check that you entered a valid credit card number and the correct expiration date. Make sure the card hasn’t expired.

2. Confirm that your billing address and phone number are correct.

3. Make sure you haven’t exceeded the credit limit on your card. If everything checks out, it’s possible your bank put a hold on the charge. Please contact your bank to authorize the pledge. Once you’ve cleared up any issues with your bank or card, you’ll still need to follow the “Fix Payment” link to retry your pledge.

With this campaign coming to a close, we know many of you are pondering the question: What comes next…?

The next campaign will be CMON’s 50th Kickstarter campaign! To celebrate this epic milestone we knew we had to do something extra special. To that end, CMON is partnering again with Spin Master to bring you something very exciting, launching in early 2022. We are not ready to announce it yet, but keep an eye on our Facebook page for an earth-shattering announcement coming soon enough.

You have the Power!

The Box of Power
about 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 01:53:16 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

We've just crossed the incredible $2,000k million mark and unlocked the Sorceress and Zoar for all backers:

Do we have time for another stretch goal, Eternians? Let's go! Coming up next, we have a storage solution to contain the most powerful rewards in the universe!

When we reach $2,100k all backers will get a nice big Kickstarter Exclusive box to hold all their Stretch Goal and Daily Secret rewards! This box’s cover features amazing Masters of the Universe artwork by William George from 1984.

You have the Power!

The Guardian of Grayskull
about 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 01, 2021 at 11:46:22 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

We've just crossed the $1,890k mark and unlocked Man-E-Faces for all backers:

We still have 5 hours left on the campaign, Eternians, so why stop now?

The sacred guard of Castle Grayskull and its secrets, the Sorceress is one of the most important figures in all of Eternia.

When we reach $2,000k we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Sorceress, including her model, HP token, and cards for all backers!

Art by Axel Giménez and Francesco Etchart.

One of the most powerful figures on Eternia, the Sorceress is capable of not only casting powerful protection spells on her Allies and devastating offensive magic on her foes, but she is also adept at calling forth the power of Grayskull to control the battlefield and see into the future itself! If that wasn't enough, being the master of magic that she is, she also has the ability to switch between her unlocked Skills at a moment's notice, insuring ultimate versatility as well!

3D render of Sorceress, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

But that's not all that this Stretch Goal unlocks!

The Sorceress is one of the most powerful figures in Eternia and to do her justice, this Stretch Goal comprises two figures, one of them being the form that Teela'na assumed to travel across Eternia:

High up in the sky and above the clouds, a silent figure crosses Eternia, its sharp eyes taking in every detail.

When we reach $2,000k we will also unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Zoar, including its model for all backers!

Lines by Daniel Mallzhen, colors by Tarek Moutran.

The Sorceress' Character Skill allows her to transform into Zoar, swapping her model and granting her unique options while in that form!

3D render of Zoar, sculpted by Irek Zieliński.

You have the Power!

A Hero’s Ancestor
about 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 01, 2021 at 11:37:15 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

We've just crossed the $1,750k mark and unlocked Scorpia for all backers!

Up next, a warrior and wizard from the past. An ancestor of He-Man himself makes his debut in Clash for Eternia:

When we reach $1,820k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive He-Ro, including his model, HP token, and cards for all backers!

Lines by Daniel Mallzhen, colors by Tarek Moutran
3D render of He-Ro, sculpted by Edgar Ramos

You have the Power!