
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

FAQ Release!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 11:18:26 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

 We hope everyone's doing well. Since Clash for Eternia's fulfillment, we've been diligently answering and gathering your most commonly asked game questions. We've also noted and prepared an errata, which includes:

  • AI Card - Empower
  • AI Rules Activation
  • King Grayskull Player Card
  • He-Ro Player Card
  • Two Bad – Baddrah Player Card
  • Tung Lashor 4pcs Skill Cards
  • Mantisaur Mount Card

All of these have been compiled and put together into a single FAQ & Errata document which you can access here: Clash for Eternia FAQ v1.0

These cover all the major topics since release. Of course, we will continue to answer and collect more feedback from the community and update the FAQ where necessary.

And if you haven't yet, you can also find Alternate He-Man and Skeletor Controller cards HERE. Both these files, along with the digital rulebook, can also be accessed from the Clash of Eternia product page on our website available HERE

Until the next one, YOU HAVE THE POWER!

Final Delivery Update!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 01:10:03 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you. Our fulfillment partners have confirmed that all orders for Masters of the Universe: Clash for Eternia have been shipped out, with only a few exceptions for held orders and returns. This means that the shipping process for the game is officially complete!

Please remember that although everything was shipped out, some packages may still be in transit, so if you haven't received it already, please wait a few days before reaching out to our Customer Service.

If in a few days you don't receive your pledge or at least a tracking number, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated Customer Support Team at They will be happy to assist you to the best of their ability.

We are also actively working on putting together a comprehensive FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to address any inquiries you may have. Rest assured, we will announce it as soon as it's ready!

Thank you for your support, and YOU HAVE THE POWER!

Shipping Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 04:22:01 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, today we have just a quick shipping update regarding the state of fulfillment.

  •  Australia: Fulfillment completed.
  •  Asia: Fulfillment completed.
  •  Canada: Fulfillment completed.
  •  USA: Shipping out pledges. The current estimate is that fulfillment should be complete by next Friday.

We're very excited for the fulfillment to end and also very happy to see the great feedback! 

Aside from that, we're currently working on an FAQ, which we expect to release soon. 

Until then, you have the POWER!

Exploring Eternia | Mounts
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 01:35:38 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, before we get into this week's updates. Here's a quick rundown of shipping and fulfillment so far. The end is in sight!

  •  Australia: Fulfillment completed.
  •  Asia: Fulfillment completed.
  •  Canada: Fulfillment completed with the last batch of tracking information uploaded.
  •  USA: 1/3 of the containers have been sent out to backers, and are estimated to complete by end of April. 

This update, it's all about the mounts in the game! If you missed any of the previous updates and want to explore the depths of Clash for Eternia, you can find any of the other posts here:

In Clash for Eternia, mounts work in two ways. For the player character, they start off on foot. After the scenario has escalated and the players unlock their red skills, the player is given a choice of either their mounted version or another red skill. Each red skill has its perks, but let's focus on the mounts today.

He-Man, when mounted on Battle Cat, gains 1 armor off the bat, for the remainder of the scenario. With move boosts, He-Man on Battle Cat is agile and may move additional spaces for power. They can also come to their ally's aid with a reaction, allowing them to move 3 spaces after they or an ally have been attacked!

Mounts work differently for the Controller. As they have no skill cards, they instead choose either the mounted or unmounted character for the entirety of the scenario.

While less flexible than the player character, this means that the Controller can use the abilities of a mounted character right from the start! 

Skeletor on Panthor does not have armor like He-Man on Battle Cat, but the skulking duo daze all their opponents after an attack. They're also dextrous, gaining extra movement with move boosts. As a bonus action, they can even daze enemies within 2 spaces of them.

The Controller versions take the best of Skeletor and Skeletor on Panthor, giving each version, mounted or unmounted, a different and powerful move set in its own right.

 Next, we have She-Ra, from She-Ra and the Great Rebellion expansion.

Like its namesake, Swiftwind is the fastest of all the mounts. Gains 1 space of movement for every move, She-Ra on Swiftwind can also ignore escape damage, and terrain penalties, and even run through other models during a move.

The Controller versions have different attacks as well. She-Ra has her Sword of Protection that damages and heals, while She-Ra on Swiftwind has Heroic Charge which allows dice to be rerolled if they moved that activation.

And finally, Hordak and Mantisaur from The Evil Horde expansion!

Hordak on Mantisaur gains 2 Health and as a Bonus Action, allows Hordak to push an enemy right up to him, perfect for his melee Horde Staff attack. If you don't want to go to the mountain, the mountain can come to you.

In the Box of Power, we have the next pair of characters. During the campaign, we unlocked Fisto as a daily reward, and Fisto on Stridor separately as a stretch goal.

This pair of player characters work more like controllers, where at the start of the scenario, players can choose between Fisto or Fisto on Stridor. Each has its own stats, attacks, and abilities.

Beyond that, each version of the character has its own set of skills. Fisto's skills are more focused on brawling and fighting, with Counterblow retaliating against an attack and Charged Fist giving him range to perform his Power Punch.

His red skill Refuse to Fall allows Fisto to potentially endure a KO, leaving him with 2 health on the field. 

Fisto on Stridor has some interesting skills, where a combo of Stridor Charge along with Reckless Assault allows them to move 2 spaces and deal a powerful attack on an opponent. And if Juggernaut is unlocked, any wounds received from a missed Reckless Assault will be turned into power to use later. 

Not forgetting the Controller versions of Fisto and Fisto on Stridor that bring a varied skillset to each version of the character.

 And that's all we have for today!

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Exploring Eternia | Two Bad & The Sorceress
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 03, 2023 at 04:34:53 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, before we get to this week's update, let's have a quick check-in with shipping updates.

  •  Australia: Fulfilment completed.
  •  Asia: Fulfilment completed.
  •  USA: The hub has begun dispatch. Tracking information will be provided soon.
  •  Canada: Container delayed, expected to arrive by 14th March.

Please remember that once the containers arrive at the hubs, it may still take a couple of weeks for them to be unloaded, sorted, and dispatched. We will continue to keep you posted regarding estimates and shipping updates.

If you missed any of the previous updates and want to explore the depths of Clash for Eternia, you can find any of the other posts here:

This week, we'll take a look at two (or rather, three and a bird) characters with unique features and mechanics from the Box of Power: The Sorceress with her alternate form Zoar, as well as Two Bad, who is the only character that requires 2 players to control!

Sorceress doesn't have the highest health or armor of any sort. But what she lacks in strength she makes up for with versatility. Staff of Magic is a ranged spell with an Attack Boost that flips a skill over. This essentially allows you to switch around all 6 of her skills throughout the scenario. With a proper understanding of her skillset, a good read of the field, and proper timing, you will be able to pull out the right skills at the right time.

For a single power with Transform, you can replace Sorceress' model on the board with Zoar's. And while Zoar cannot use Sorceress' skills, Zoar is amazingly dexterous. With Evasive, Zoar reduces all attack dice, does not suffer escape damage, increases movement, and ignores Terrain penalties. In scenarios where mobility is paramount, Zoar is up for the task. Rescuing allies, moving objectives, and escaping battles, that's when players should transform into Zoar.

Sorceress is equipped with a wide range of support skills that lets her move allies like Telekinesis, Teleport, and For Grayskull! With Visions, the entire player team can get to peak at all enemy activations, and with additional power, Sorceress can even swap her allies activations, positioning her team to anticipate any enemy movement. 

Two Bad is one of the Box of Power's most unique characters. With two sets of activation cards, player cards, and skill cards, we recommend that Two Bad be played with two players, each controlling half of Two Bad. 

Players who play as Two Bad must move the same model and share the same health. Double the activations, double the power. 

Each player takes one-half of Two Bad, Tuvar with Iron Gauntlet, or Baddrah with Shield Bash, corresponding to the side of Two Bad they're controlling.

They also get 3 skills each, but players must negotiate which side they want to take each. Like all relationships, communication is key (even though you're obviously the smarter one). But try not to be selfish. At the end of the day, your other half's win is yours, as is their loss. 

And that's it for today! Who comes to mind when you think of your other Two Bad half?

Until the next update, you have the POWER!