
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

First Dice Samples
over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 03:40:01 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Hello, fellow Eternians! This week, we're going to take a look at the process of dice production and check the status of the dice and their samples for Clash for Eternia. We won't bury the lede here, but we think they're shaping up very well! 

First, a quick recap of the dice we have in the game! The Clash for Eternia Core Box comes with 12 black dice, engraved with custom dark beige-painted pips:

Core Box Dice

The Marble Dice was an Optional Buy, featuring dice with with an inversion of that scheme, where the dice are gold-marbled texture, engraved with black pips.

Marble Dice

The process of producing dice begins with creating the icons as a vector file. We send these to the factory, where they study each icon in detail to determine if the engraving is possible at that scale. Details drawn digitally are sometimes too fine for machines to recreate physically. Any kinks with the icons on each die face are sorted out here, as well as dice layout and its orientation. 

While the adjustments are being made, the factory sends us mock samples to check various things like weight, size, engraving depth, as well as dice cornering. The factory can only draw so many conclusions with the vector file. With actual physical samples, we can see any potential issues and address them before they're cast.

After a few more rounds of feedback and confirmations, an advanced mockup was created and approved.

After some time, molding, and tooling, we received our first dice samples!

Originally, the pips were intended to be a dark beige color, simulating a golden outlook, but the contrast was not strong enough and the dice looked dull with brown pips. After a few color tests, we arrived at a champagne gold color:

The black looks striking and balances nicely with this gold. More color tests will be conducted to ensure that what ends up on your gaming table is both gorgeous and readable!

At the same time, we were also working on the Marble Dice, which were a little trickier. Gold tends to be difficult to replicate because while its hue lies between yellow and orange. It is a texture of highlights and shadows to create the metallic sheen to reach the desired look. 

Our first test yielded something closer to bronze, with a darker base color with yellow marble highlights. Going back to the manufacturer, we ran more tests:

And so, with multiple rounds of tests, improvements, and polish, we landed on something that resembles what we set out to make!

It's all sparkly! Good engraving details, a nice sheen, and delicately rounded corners.  Here are both dice side by side.

Excited to roll your way to victory yet? Let us know what you think of these dice in the comments below. And until next time... YOU HAVE THE POWER!

Plastic Samples: She-Ra and the Great Rebellion
over 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 05, 2022 at 08:46:34 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Greetings, Eternians! Our manufacturer gave us a nice surprise this week and sent advance samples of the plastics from She-Ra and the Great Rebellion! Of course, these are still T1 plastics, which means these are the very first plastic test prints from the factory and will still go through rigorous feedback and improvements before mass production. Notice for example, that they were also running color tests with this batch, hence why there's some color differences, but rest assured, that they'll have the same color on final plastic production.

And if you haven't caught up with all our current plastic samples, you may find them here:

Disclaimer! These are the first plastic samples (T1 Plastics), which means they will go through rounds of improvements before their final form.

She-Ra and the Great Rebellion

Swift Wind with She-Ra
Bright Moon Archer
Bright Moon Archer
Here is a shot of all the heroes together!
And the platoon of Moon Archers, armed at the ready.

We also received word that Horde samples are on the horizon, which we can only assume to mean that the great Hordak himself is currently striding our way! What terrors await us, next!?

Until then, you have the Power!

First Plastic Samples, part 3
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 04:25:48 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

In our previous update, we showed you the first plastic samples of the Villains of the Clash for Eternia Core Box. How about we take a look at nothing other than Castle Grayskull itself? 

Disclaimer: this is the first plastic sample (or T1), which means it'll go through rounds of improvements before their final form, in addition to showing marks, etc. Also, please remember that, in additional to improvements, the final castle will be green.

Castle Grayskull

The first sample that is ready is the main castle itself, but we expect to soon receive the base that goes below it, the Jaw-bridge, and accessories that are part of the Plastic Castle Grayskull Pack to share in a future update.

We love how the detail on the rocks and textured dome came out. The gap between the door and wodden platform is made so it can fit the base of a model.
Left-side view of the castle, showing the nice variation in the stone-work and roof tiling.
The top of the castle itself has discrete spaces for placement of accessories/models, and of course we had to add floor texture to them as well!
Back view of the Castle. You can see on the bottom the ridge where the Castle and the base below it will connect.
3/4 view of the back, showing the nice contour and silhouette of the construction.
And finally, the iconc front of the Castle, showing the entrance of the Jaw-bridge as well as placement slots for models to the left and top right.

So what did you think of this first look at the iconic Castle Grayskull? Let us know below!

You have the Power!

First Plastic Samples, part 2
over 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 04, 2022 at 09:25:00 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

In our previous update, we showed you the first plastic samples of the Heroes of the Clash for Eternia Core Box. Today, we'll show you the plastic samples of the Villains of that same Core Box.

Before we get to that, an important reminder:

Completion of the survey is the single most important part of ensuring that you receive your pledge.

MAKE SURE YOU PAY AND SUBMIT YOUR SURVEY BY THE FEBRUARY 15th DEADLINE. Please be advised that this is the final deadline to guarantee your pledge and that we will produce based on the numbers of confirmed orders in Backerkit. If you fail to confirm your survey by the deadline, we will be completely unable to offer you a pledge later.

We're VERY close to that deadline, Eternians!

Disclaimer: these are the first plastic samples (or T1s), which means they'll go through rounds of improvements before their final form.

 Clash of Eternia Core Box - Villains

Skeletor on Panthor
Skeletor on Panthor and Skeletor
Beast Man
Trap Jaw
Group picture time!
Hover Robot, sculpt 1
Hover Robot, sculpt 2
Shadow Beast

What did you think of these nefarious Villains, Eternians? And with that we've covered the plastic samples of the Core Box. As the factories head into holidays it will be a few weeks before we get more samples to share, do we plan on continuing with another Development diary update next. 

Which character would you like to read Michael and Leo discuss about next time? Let us know below!

You have the Power!

First Plastic Samples
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 01:47:39 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Today, we'll take a quick break from the Dev Diaries because we received the first plastic miniature samples in the office - the Heroes of the Core Box! - and we'd like to show them to you! 

Before we get to that, an important reminder:

Completion of the survey is the single most important part of ensuring that you receive your pledge.

MAKE SURE YOU PAY AND SUBMIT YOUR SURVEY BY THE FEBRUARY 15th DEADLINE. Please be advised that this is the final deadline to guarantee your pledge and that we will produce based on the numbers of confirmed orders in Backerkit. If you fail to confirm your survey by the deadline, we will be completely unable to offer you a pledge later.

We're getting close to that deadline, Eternians!

Disclaimer: these are the first plastic samples (or T1s), which means they'll go through rounds of improvements before their final form.

 Clash of Eternia Core Box - Heroes

The Most Powerful Man in the Universe: He-Man!
He-Man on Battle Cat.
He-Man and He-Man on Battle Cat.
Ram Man.
Group picture time!
Eternian Soldier, sculpt 1.
Eternian Soldier, sculpt 2.
Royal Guard.
Soldiers of Eternia, gather 'round!

So, what did you think of these, Eternians? Let us know in the comments below! We expect to get the Villains of the Core Box soon and prepare a similar set of pictures for you. Until then...

You have the Power!