
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

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Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rulebook, Scenarios, and General Updates
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 07:42:52 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians! Today, we have a Development diary update to share, regarding quality-of-life improvements to the gameplay and general updates. So without further ado, let's hear it from Michael Shinall, one of Clash for Eternia's game designers.

Greetings Warriors, both Heroic and Evil alike!
Michael Shinall here. As part of today's update, we're here with a couple of Design/Development items!
The final files for all content (Core, expansions, KS items, etc) have been finalized, checked over, and sent off to the factory, initiating the factory's proofing process. With this milestone reached, we figured we could now take some time and go over some technical modifications that have happened since the beginning - nothing here is major and/or drastic, just falls under some basic clean-up and final tweaks.
 Let's jump right in with some of the more notable stuff since I really can't call anything "major" (sorry if things come off a touch boring unless you're really into the technicals of the game)!

HP Increases

In general, the HP values were expanded across the game, with Characters typically upping their HP an average of 1, in some cases 2 (e.g. He-Man increased in Core Box from 8 to 10). This was done mainly as Characters were going down just a touch too fast. With the slight increase in HP, you're typically seeing a difference of about 1 extra Attack to take them down. It's by intent not a big change, but likewise, it's also meaningful to show some differences in the overall spread (for example, Man-At-Arms with only 6 HP but 1 Armor creates a more substantial difference when compared to He-Man, with 10 HP but 0 Armor). Again, this was something that could have even gone without mentioning and would have largely gone unnoticed, but it was an active decision made during testing.

 Order Track Power

Another modification to the numbers here is slight but impactful. Essentially, the old Order Track would see both sides, Controller and Player, gaining Power on Activation ranging from 1-3 on both sides. The Track has been slightly modified now, where the first Controller Activation (eg, the slot that is always the first Activation has been reduced from 1 Power to 0, meaning you're sacrificing just a touch of Power for always activating first in the round.) Feel I'm repeating myself with "overall minor change" but that's what most of these are! Of course, this change in numbers was applied to not only the Order Track itself but also in the Battleground Playmat (where the track is conveniently placed too).

 Grayskull Results

In most cases, when a Skill interacted with Grayskull Results, it would replace the effect with another. This was the one rule that kept tripping people up most of all (eg, you would not get +1 Hit and +1 Power, but instead you'd do X, typically something like 2 Hits but no Power). This happened often enough that we reworked most every Skill that interacted with this to simply grant an additional bonus when a Grayskull result was rolled, with numbers tweaked and balanced accordingly. An example using the previous...Example... A similar effect would now read "For each [Grayskull Result] generate +1 additional Hit", meaning you'd still get the base effect of +1 Hit and +1 Power, but additionally, you'd get whatever else was listed.

 Boost to Surge

So Skills could previously have "Attack Boost", "Defense Boost", "[Action] Boost" (Typically Move), and then simply "Boost". The latter was explained in the rules as always being tied to another boost, acting as, well, an additional boost to pay and utilize (e.g. Attack Boost of +1 Die could have a Boost of an additional +1 Die for +1 Power Cost). These terms could get a bit confusing to differentiate (even if the game seldom cared) so rather than keep it, we simply renamed those "Boosts that Boost Boosts" to "Surges". This would be classified as a wording cleanup, but now you'd have a Skill with something along the lines of "(1 Cost) Attack Boost: Roll +1 die. Surge (1 Cost): Roll +1 additional die)." Zero mechanical change here, just wording clarity.

Dazed Tokens

As per the rules at the time of the campaign, when a model was Dazed, it was placed on its side. During the campaign, many of you said you would rather have tokens to represent this state. Enter the Dazed Tokens! They exist now. While you can place your model on the side if you prefer, the game also has tokens to represent this as well.  Here's an rulebook excerpt of the Dazed rules:


This is perhaps the biggest "change", or "shift" more than anything else. Previously, while the She-Ra and Evil Horde expansions didn't have Scenarios on them, we mentioned that we would look into including a number of additional scenarios to them, typically to utilize the NPCs contained within the box. Once we began reviewing all these, we really took note that, in the case of NPCs, almost every scenario that included one (typically a specific one) could instead be reworked slightly to simply allow a randomly determined one to be utilized instead. For example, The Escort mission was originally around Queen Marlena. But with very little modification the scenario rules worked when any NPC was utilized instead, which increases replayability considerably.

This entirely removed the need to limit such scenarios to the expansion boxes. The next factor to consider whether to include narrative Scenarios (on in game terms Set Side Scenarios). Upon further playing, we saw that, for these too, with little modification (in most cases) these could simply be moved from being a specific "sub-faction" to instead being "Hero" or "Villain" team. Once this was factored in, it became very hard to justify limiting these scenarios to expansion content versus instead just modifying them to fit with the core box. Having come to that conclusion, that is exactly what we did. The final result was, that instead of the Core Box containing our original goal of Twelve Scenarios that number has now been increased to a full Twenty Scenarios instead.
The exception to this is of course Assault on Castle Grayskull and the Scenarios that were contained within the Wrath of Snake Mountain expansion, as each one of them specifically deals and interacts with the Tyrantisaurus Rex from that box - those still remain in the Wrath of Snake Mountain expansion.

Speaking of scenarios, let's go ahead and showcase two of them just to show how they look:
***In case it is not apparent (this is outlined in the Scenario Book), the "M" icons designate where Minions begin on the Battleground and the "N" icon designates where the NPC (now freely chosen) begins at the start of the game.


This is an Open Sides Scenario, meaning players are free to choose what faction is the Controller and/or Players at their leisure.


This scenario meanwhile is a Set Sides Scenarios and so has restrictions that make it so the Heroic Warriors must be the Controller.

And that does it for this update, Warriors! When the Clash commences, which side will come out victorious?

Until then, you have the Power!

Player & Controller Dashboard Plastic Samples
over 2 years ago – Sat, May 14, 2022 at 04:54:25 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians! Today, we’d like to show you the process behind the production of the Player and Controller plastic dashboards as well as show you their first samples. The plastic dashboards were a Stretch Goal reward where we upgraded the cardboard dashboards with plastic dashboards: 

First, let's take a look at the Player Dashboard. With the Stretch Goal met, we started sculpting the dashboard, and had a good idea of where the components needed to go, which informed the brief and the mockup that we provided to the manufacturer.

We also knew that we wanted 4 of them in each core box, which meant they needed to be hollowed out at the bottom to allow for stacking. 

And while we originally included a gap at the top of the Character card slot for card removal, we found that plucking the card wasn't the best experience. Hence, this was changed to a divot in the final plastic, similar to the mini card slots.

And here are the first physical plastic samples! As we mentioned, each Core Box will come with 4 copies of the player dashboard.

Here's a close-up of the splendid Master of the Universe logo embedded on the dashboard.

The dashboard fits the large character card, their 3 skills, as well as power cube slots for all the power gained throughout the game. We made sure to account for sleeved cards as well.

Unfortunately we haven’t received samples of the power cubes in the correct color yet. So please note thatthe cubes shown on all pictures are not in the final golden color.

For ease of all card removals, we sculpted divots into each slot. With a light push on the bottom slope, the card in its slot is lifted. Here's an example of how it works on the Character card.

We played with various depths for the Power cube slots, and eventually landed on a depth that ensured the cubes stay in place and were shallow enough to be picked up easily.  

Please note: the cubes shown on this picture are not in the final color.

Next up is the controller board. These have spaces for 3 Controller Characters, 4 Controller Skills, 1 Minion, and their Activation skills. 

We noticed during initial testings that the mini card divots needed to be deeper as the card was shorter and harder to pull out, especially with the separating ridge that ran above the row of cards. We deepened the divots to address this, and similarly applied it to the Player dashboard soon after. 

Here's a render of the Controller dashboard.

And now with physical samples, we see how the plastic version reflects the sculpt.

The top row of power cube slots tracks the Controller's 3 Characters. The bottom row of power keeps track of 4 Controller skills, with the amended divot mechanism.

One thing we noticed was that the Player dashboards were not stacking cleanly and evenly because of the varying heights around the edge, so we added supports to the underside of each dashboard.

This way, the dashboards sit perfectly flush on top of each other.

Otherwise, apart from some stone details that need improvement, the dashboards you see here are approved and will be similar to the final items you’ll receive!

Are you excited about these dashboards? What Characters are you most excited to play with?

Until then, you have the Power!

Plastic Samples: The Evil Horde
over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 06:31:15 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

He has finally come, fellow Eternians. Hordak has arrived with The Evil Horde! Fresh from the oven, we just received the T1 plastics in the mail and are pleased to show them today.

If you haven't caught up with all our current plastic samples, you may find them here:

The Evil Horde

Disclaimer! These are the first plastic samples (or T1s), which means they will go through rounds of improvements before their final form.

Hordak on Mantisaur
Shadow Weaver
Horde Wraith
Evil Horde group shot!
Horde Troopers, fall in!
Shadow Weaver and her Wraiths!

Beyond plastics, we're currently hard at work on the components, cards, and scenarios and will share updates on those areas soon. 

Until then, you have the Power!

The Rules of Eternia
over 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 11:06:19 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Eternians, on today's update we take a quick break from checking samples and turn our eyes to another very important part of the project: its rules! We're currently going over all the files of the Clash for Eternia Core Box and we'd like to share with you today the Rulebook.

Keep in mind that things naturally change as the game develops and evolves to its best shape and the same is true with the rules, which have gone through rounds of checking, editing, and proofing. So without further ado, please check out the Rulebook and let us know what you think in the comments below!

 You have the POWER!

The Battlefield Playmat Sample
over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 02, 2022 at 12:56:16 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Greetings, Eternians! An elongated, oddly-shaped box that didn't resemble our usual board game packages arrived this week in the office. Lo-and-behold, it was rolled-up samples of the neoprene Battlefield Playmat!

Before we share the samples, let's have a quick recap of the double-sided playmat. It not only combines the Battlefield with the Tracker Board but also has a flip-side where the Castle Grayskull overlays are printed on it.

We asked to test 2 stitching options for these neoprene mats: Black Stitching vs Printed Edge Stitching. 

We wanted to investigate these two aesthetic choices. The Black Stitching with its bordered outline, versus the Printed Edge Stitching, with its seamless look.

We found that the Printed Edge Stitching was more consistent on both sides. While the Black Stitching did bring a nice bordered look, the process of stitching leads to the presence of less thread on the underside of the playmat, which created a lighter, uneven border for the black stitching option.

The Black Stitching could have been a stronger contender if the playmat was single-sided, but with our playmat being double-sided, the Printed Edge Stitching already had a great lead in this match.

Apart from the stitch, we also checked the color and clarity of the printing. Synthetic rubbers print colors differently, so we had to make sure the colors matched closely with our print files.

Another important step was to check the contrast of the mat against the miniature colors. With multiple figures on the Battlefield at any given time, they need to stand out and not blend into the mat.

Finally, we also checked 3D Terrain fit against the hex spaces, ensuring they fit perfectly, the way we had envisioned at its inception.

The 3D terrain fitting is great and the contrast of the minis is strong on the playmat. We're very happy with how it is turning out! 

Ultimately, the neoprene samples we received looked and felt great, and the Colored Edge Stitch option won the day! Let us know what you think of the Battlefield Playmat in the comments below, and we'll see you soon on the next update. 

Until then, you have the POWER!