
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Daily Secret Reveal – “Fearless” Tiger Friend
about 3 years ago – Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 01:07:58 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

The Jaw-Bridge of Castle Grayskull opens again, revealing the secret reward for today!

We have unlocked the Kickstarter Exclusive Cringer NPC model for all backers!

While in the Core Box the NPCs are represented by cardboard tokens, with this Kickstarter Exclusive model you’ll be able to replace Cringer’s token with his fully realized plastic version!

Lines by Saeed Jalabi, colors by Simon Tessuto.

3D render of Cringer, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

Just yesterday we revealed our latest Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Wrath of Snake Mountain Expansion - check it you below if you haven't yet!

Shall we glimpse at what secret Castle Grayskull holds in store for us tomorrow?

You have the Power!

From the Depths of Eternia the Snake Men Slither!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 10:16:17 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Slithering from the bowels of the Dark Hemisphere of Eternia, the Wrath of Snake Mountain expansion brings King Hiss and his army of Snakemen into play. Led by his commanders like Kobra Khan and Rattlor, King Hiss’ snake army has but one goal in mind: to conquer and eradicate any opposition. Equally evil and perhaps even more calculative than Skeletor, King Hiss poses a great threat to Eternia. Will the Masters of the Universe be able to take on King Hiss and his Snakemen Army?

For $50, the Kickstarter Exclusive Wrath of Snake Mountain expansion brings an entirely new faction to Clash for Eternia, featuring the fearsome Preternian villains that hail from Snake Mountain, each with their own skill paths, unique abilities, and cards to be played on the side of the Controller, Player, or as an A.I. controlled character!

The Wrath of Snake Mountain expansion comes with:

  • 1 King Hiss Model
  • 1 Serpentine King Hiss Model
  • 1 Kobra Khan Model
  • 1 Rattlor Model
  • 1 Snake Face Model
  • 1 Sssqueeze Model
  • 1 Tung Lashor Model
  • 1 Tyrantisaurus Rex Model
  • 8 Snake Trooper Models in 2 sculpts
  • 8 King Hiss Game cards
  • 8 Kobra Khan Game cards
  • 8 Rattlor Game cards
  • 8 Snake Face Game cards
  • 8 Sssqueeze Game cards
  • 8 Tung Lashor Game cards
  • 8 Tyrantisaurus Rex Game cards
  • 6 Poison Pool Tokens
  • 8 Poisoned Tokens
  • 8 Constricted Tokens
  • 8 Petrified Tokens
  • 7 HP Tokens

Let’s explore what this expansion brings to the game:

Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

As cold and cunning as a serpent, King Hiss specializes in summoning additional Minions to do his bidding, with a number of Skills dedicated to bolstering their capabilities.

3D render of King Hiss, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

And when he wants to make the fight more personal, he can forgo all other strategies and transform into his Serpentine Form, unleashing all sorts of nasty poisonous attacks!

Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

3D render of Serpentine King Hiss, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

Keep your eyes peeled, Kobra Khan brings several infiltration-based skills to the battle, allowing him to appear without warning. Combined with his ability to create Poison Pools and no enemy plan is safe from disruption!

3D render of Kobra Khan, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

Rattlor specializes in taunting and tanking enemy attacks. And once they’re close enough to realize the error of their ways, it'll be too late when Rattlor dazes them with his debilitating poisons and devours them whole! That rattle will be the last sound you'll ever hear.

3D render of Rattlor, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes

Don't look now! With a face so horrific that any who gazes upon it turns to stone, Snake Face is a master of Petrifying enemies. With his offensive gaze freezing those who would dare attack him, all become easy prey for the most gruesome of the Snake Men!

3D render of Snake Face, sculpted by Irek Zieliński.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

Sssqueeze is all about area-control, with his long arms and mean disposition. When bringing him into the battlefield, Sssqueeze can ensure no enemy is out of reach, and that no foe will be able to escape his grasp. When positioning is what you need, look no further than the tactical advantages Sssqueeze brings to the table.

3D render of Sssqueeze, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

They say variety is the spice of life, and few understand that more than Tung Lashor. A potent ranged specialist, Tung Lashor is able to unleash a host of different boosts with the different ways he utilizes his trade-mark Tongue Attack, whether it be as a catalyst for poisoning enemies, binding them in place via constricting them, or even grabbing and tossing them around with a tongue grab!

3D render of Tung Lashor, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Claudio Nunes.

A scaly mix of technology and serpent, the Minions of King Hiss are not to be taken lightly. While one-on-one they are no match for any brave hero, what they lack in raw power they more than makeup for in their ability to Poison their foes, ticking their health away slowly but surely!

Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
3D render of Snake Troopers, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron.
Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.
Lines by RipeConcepts Studios, colors by Tarek Moutran.

One of the most terrifying creatures to ever exist, the mighty Tyrantisaurus Rex must be captured and tamed for its power to be wielded (temporarily, at least)! Tyrantisaurus Rex comes into play during specific Scenarios as a formidable predator stalking the battlefield, attacking everyone and everything in its path. Only the strongest will be able to capture it and bend it to their will as their most fearsome ally!

3D render of Tyrantisaurus Rex, sculpted by Arnaud Boudoiron
He-Man on a 30mm base against Tyrantisaurus Rex on a 50mm base.

Painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

And to wrap this update, what better way than to showcase images of the whole painted set from Angel, against the mighty Grayskull Plastic Castle (not included in the expansion). Enjoy!

You have the Power!

Poised to Strike
about 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 10:15:55 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

We've just crossed the $1,200k mark and unlocked Panthor for all backers:

We've reached this stretch goal shortly after we unveiled our latest Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Wrath of Snake Mountain Expansion! Check it out below:

Speaking of Snake Men... rippling silently through the underbrush, this venomous villain is ready strike the Heroes before they’re aware of who's stalking them!

When we reach $1,250k, we will unlock the Kickstarter Exclusive Lady Slither, including her model, HP token, and cards for all backers!

Lines by Daniel Mallzhen, colors by Tarek Moutran.
3D render of Lady Slither, sculpted by Irek Zieliński.

You have the Power!

Daily Secret Reveal – A Holiday Special
about 3 years ago – Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 05:34:48 PM

By the Power of Grayskull!

The Jaw-Bridge of Castle Grayskull opens again, revealing the secret reward for today!

We have unlocked a Kickstarter Exclusive Scenario focusing on the holiday spirit!

The holidays have come early to Eternia this year as we have unlocked a special Holiday Themed Scenario for all backers. In this very special episo- Scenario we see the true meaning of selflessness and generosity reach the denizens of Eternia. At least, that is the plan... But it would appear the Evil Warriors, who very much do not like feeling good, but prefer feeling evil, are out to ruin this special occasion!

And just earlier today we announced our most recent Optional Buy, the Kickstater Exclusive Wrath of Snake Mountain Expansion - check it out below if you haven't yet:

Shall we glimpse at what secret Castle Grayskull holds in store for us tomorrow?

You have the Power!

A Look Into the Assault on Castle Grayskull
about 3 years ago – Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 01:24:45 AM

By the Power of Grayskull!

Today, we'd like to take a deeper look at the Assault on Castle Grayskull expansion, which has been available from the start of the campaign (as part of the Defender of Grayskull pledge, or by itself as an Add-On).

Assault on Castle Grayskull brings the fight for Eternia to the gates of Castle Grayskull itself! With Castle Grayskull as the centerpiece of this brand new game mode, players get to battle in the most iconic location in all of the Masters of the Universe world.

Assault on Castle Grayskull’s new game mode puts players into one of two teams: the aggressors, who are attempting to take down the castle walls to gain control of Castle Grayskull, and the defenders, who must attempt to withstand the siege and protect its magical secrets.

This expansion brings powerful tools for both defenders and aggressors alike. As the game progresses, you will choose powerful Upgrades that aid you in your attack or defense of Grayskull: Should you play as the defender, you will have the castle’s full array of tools at your disposal. Build a mighty Laser Turret to rain down firepower on your foes! Raise your Banners high to grant boosts to your troops! As the aggressor, cunning strategies and tools are available to you as you plan your assault: Force Shields, Battle Ladders, and more are at your disposal. Will Grayskull withstand the assault? Let the siege begin!

Assault on Castle Grayskull expansion brings a new game mode to Clash for Eternia, 16 minions, the Castle Grayskull Terrain centerpiece, along with its accessories and overlays. 

The Assault on Castle Grayskull expansion comes with:

  • 8 Skelcon Minion Models in 2 sculpts
  • 8 Randor’s Royal Guard Minion Models in 2 sculpts 
  • 1 Castle Grayskull Terrain Overlay
  • 1 Hilltop Overlay
  • 1 Training Dummy Overlay
  • 1 Weapon Rack Overlay 
  • 1 Laser Gun Overlay 
  • 1 Banner Overlay 
  • 1 Ladder Overlay
  • 1 Jaw-Bridge Token

Let’s explore what this expansion brings to the game:

Lines by Saeed Jalabi, colors by Dijjo Lima.

The winged Skelcons are embodiments of malice and villainy, capable of sweeping out of the sky to land surprise attacks on unsuspecting heroes. While not the most durable of Minions, their raw offensive power makes them a true threat on any battlefield.

3D render of Skelcons, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Skelcons painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

3D render of Randor’s Royal Guards, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.

The personal guard to the King, these Minions stand as a bulwark against any who would bring harm to those around them. Masters of defensive maneuvers, King Randor's Royal Guard are some of the most durable soldiers on Eternia.

3D render of Randor’s Royal Guards, sculpted by Edgar Ramos.
Randor's Royal Guards painted by Angel Giraldez. Models come unpainted.

But that’s not all, lower the gates!

You can upgrade your cardboard Grayskull into a physical 3D Castle Grayskull! Standing at a whopping 230mm (including the castle base), live out your childhood fantasies and geek out over the ultimate setpiece in the Masters of the Universe: Clash for Eternia! You can now own a Castle Grayskull replica and all of its accessories that pay homage to the original toyline. These not only look good, but are playable pieces and function in the game mode of the expansion.

The Castle Grayskull Pack includes:

  • 1 Castle Grayskull
  • 1 Castle Base
  • 1 Hilltop
  • 1 Training Dummy
  • 1 Weapon Rack
  • 1 Laser Gun
  • 1 Banner
  • 1 Ladder
Painted by AG team, Angel Giraldez & Pedro Gonzalez.
Painted by AG team, Angel Giraldez & Pedro Gonzalez.

You have the Power!