
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Exploring Eternia | Webs and Clouds of Stink
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 01:30:18 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, delivery is moving along smoothly. Quick check-in on the progress of our latest shipping updates!

  •  Australia: Dispatching is in progress.
  •  USA: Products are still in the process of clearing customs and should starting shipping in the upcoming weeks.
  •  Canada: Containers arrived at the port and are now clearing customs.
  •  Asia: Pledges started to be dispatched for a few regions (China, Macao, Malaysia, and Indonesia).

Please remember that once the containers arrive at the hubs, it may still take a couple of weeks for them to be unloaded, sorted, and dispatched.

This week, we'll be taking a look at the characters with special tokens from the Box of Power, namely Webstor with his Webs and Stinkor with his Stink Clouds! And if you missed any of the previous updates and want to explore the depths of Clash for Eternia, you can find any of the other posts here:

 Webstor has his own set of Web tokens which he lays around the field. These are difficult terrain for other characters, hindering their movement, attack, AND defense at the same time. Not only does it require 2 spaces of movement to enter or leave, but characters also roll fewer dice on attacks, and they cannot use defense boosts.

With Web Master, Webstor is able to lay out Web tokens across the field, trapping his opponents. As an added bonus, he ignores the effects of Webs. Once trapped, he's able to shoot them from afar with Laser Rifle that allows him to reroll any dice with a single Power.

Quick Web is a defense boost that allows Webstor to web up an attacker, placing a Web token in their space. If no wounds were suffered from the attack, he can dodge out of the way, repositioning himself for a counter-attack.

Cocoon is a melee attack that webs up the enemy, dazing them if it wounds them. If the attack KO's the enemy, they lose 1 action on their next activation. 

Spider Agility, Webstor's red skill, provides a move boost and a defense boost to Webstor, allowing him to web enemies as he moves through them, gain armor, and make attackers reroll their successes on their attacks. With a wide range of well-balanced skills, along with web tokens that can really mess up his opponents, Webstor is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

The next character we're looking at is Stinkor with his Stink Clouds! These rancid things daze models that start or move into the space, and any attacks performed when in the terrain have reduced attack dice.

However, they do not last long. At the end of the Round, there is a chance that each stink cloud on the board will dissipate. 

Stinkor has a strong natural defense, with an armor value of 1. He also attacks from range with his Laser Pistol, which can be a Bonus Action with a boost. With Stink Cloud, he produces 2 Stink Clouds near him. While these are produced a little nearer to him, each Stink Cloud dazes his enemies automatically on their activation and reduces their attack from within.

Stink Blast and Stink Beam are both ranged attacks that have their own perks. Stink Blast hits every enemy within 2 spaces and ignores armor, while Stink Beam places a Stink Cloud in the enemy's space. Similar to Laser Pistol, both these attacks can become bonus actions with a boost. If you have the power to spare, you can definitely get away with more attacks during your activation.

Stinkor's red skill, Fumigate, is an absolute nightmare for melee characters. When activated, every adjacent space to Stinkor will be filled with Stink Cloud. These move along with Stinkor, making him one giant moving Stink Cloud, dazing enemies as he moves. And as long as Stinkor is completely surrounded by Stink Clouds, he adds 2 more armor, making his armor value a total of 3.

 And that's it for this week!

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Exploring Eternia | Terrors of Snake Mountain
over 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 04, 2023 at 10:05:30 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, here's a quick shipping update before we get into the meat of today's post! You will be pleased to know that things have been moving smoothly without delays.

  •  Australia: Arrived at the hub.
  •  USA: All shipments arrived at the hub. Last shipment is in the midst of clearing customs.
  •  Canada: In transit, expecting to arrive within the next week.
  •  Asia: Expected to arrive in late February.

Please remember that once the containers arrive at the hubs, it may still take a couple of weeks for them to be unloaded, sorted, and dispatched. We will keep you posted regarding estimates and shipping updates.

Another week, another update to tide us through anxiously waiting for our packages to arrive at our doors! This week, we'll look at the various conditions in the Wrath of Snake Mountain expansion, as well as the vile characters that inflict them!

And if you missed any of the previous updates and want to explore the depths of Clash for Eternia, you can find any of the other posts here:

 Wrath of Snake Mountain comes with a heap of condition tokens for the new conditions that all the snake men use. Poison makes the inflicted target suffer a Wound for each token they have before each action, Constrict limits the movement of characters by 1 space per token, and Paralysis reduces the attack dice per token.

While a character can suffer from all 3 conditions at the same time, there is an upper limit of 2 condition tokens PER condition per character. At the end of their activation, characters may pay power for every condition they want to be removed. As they should, with such crippling effects.

King Hiss leads the charge with his Viper Staff, a ranged attack that poisons wounded enemies with a boost. King Hiss also spawns Snake Trooper minions adjacent to him with Supreme Commander, creating a wall of defense as he attacks from afar.

You will also notice that King Hiss' red skill allows him to transform into Serpentine King Hiss, while the Controller has the option to choose either King Hiss OR Serpentine King Hiss at the start of the game.

Amongst King Hiss' skills, Toxin Master is a highlight. As a bonus action, all enemies suffer wounds for each condition token on them. With different skills that apply multiple conditions and even allies that do so, Toxin Master can be a sure way to knock out multiple enemies from afar.

Deciding between King Hiss' red skill would be hard too. Snake Form has King Hiss morph into Serpentine King Hiss, unlocking 5-Headed Strike which is a devastating melee attack that hits EVERY enemy within 4 spaces. On the other hand, Natural Selection improves Supreme Commander and makes Snake Troopers much more potent on the field.

Tung Lashor is adept at inflicting all 3 conditions, as you'll soon see in his skills. Poison, Constrict, or Paralysis, Dazing, Healing - his tongue does it all. Furthermore, Extending Tongue is an ability that can potentially be applied to any attack with "Lick" in the title, which 4/6 of his skills are.

Beyond the licking, Multi-lashing further boosts all "Lick" attacks, adding dice, changing attacks to bonus actions, and even hitting all enemies within range. Extending Tongue and Multi-lashing makes Tung Lashor's entire library of licking powers flexible for any situation.

Your enemies will stop dead in their tracks when facing Snake Face. His Petrifying Gaze can stop groups of enemies in their tracks, with multiple skills that take advantage of their paralysis.

Snake Face also has good defensive abilities with Venom Shield and Quick Gaze. Enemies will already find it hard as Paralysis tokens reduce attack dice. On top of his natural armor, defensive skills, and lowered attack, attacking Snake Face also has a great chance of getting poisoned, paralyzed, or wounded further.

Sssqueeze is a master of controlling range. His long arms not only allow him to constrict his enemies with Squeeze, but he can change his Quick Jab from Melee to Range on the fly. Choosing Elongated Arms as his green skill also allows the use of his arms to close the distance with enemies.

For 2 power, Crush is a cheap and powerful melee attack that inflicts 2 Constrict on Sssqueeze's opponents. In scenarios where speed is of the essence, movement penalties from Sssqueeze's multiple attacks and constricts may just shut your opponent's team down. 

Like a rattlesnake, Rattlor hits hard and fast. Coiled Strike can be used as a reaction if an opponent lands next to Rattlor, while Tail Sweep, despite being a melee attack, can be used to hit multiple targets within 2 spaces. 

One of the most terrifying skills of the entire expansion is Devour Whole. Costing 2 actions, this attack rolls 5 attack die unboosted, with each hit dealing 2 wounds, ignoring an opponent's armor, for a potential maximum of 10 Wounds. If the move knocks out Rattlor's opponent (which is highly likely), he can perform a move to stalk his next prey.

The last Evil Warrior for the showcase today is a little special. Kobra Khan has tokens that are specific to him, Sleep Mist and Poison Pool, which control the field and enemy movement. Kobra Khan has also a bunch of sneaky skills that will punish the complacent and unaware.

While not as tough as the other Warriors, Kobra Khan makes up for this with his Laser Pistol range attack. Not only is he accurate and the attack dice can be rerolled, Reaction Shot allows him to unload a Laser Pistol attack on any enemy that dares come close to him. 

Poison Spit and Sleep Mist are interchangeable skills. With a bonus action, Kobra Khan can swap between them depending on the situation, so choose your poison (or mist)! Double Agent goes beyond the board and controls Player/Controller activation. With a good prediction and precise play, Double Agent has the potential to wreck an enemy's perfect plan. 

Sleep Mist inflicts Daze on models who are unfortunate enough to move into, through, or leave this terrain. It can be further enhanced with Kobra Khan's Sleep Spray skill. 

Poison Pool is exactly that - a pool of poison. Placing these around the map are a sure way to slowly whittle down the opponents' health and control their movement on the board.

And that's all for this update! Which one of these sinister, slithering, snakes are you excited to try out? Let us know in the comments.

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Exploring Eternia | Ice and Shadow
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 12:46:01 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, before we delve into this week's update, we have a quick reminder.  

Final Call for Change of Addresses

If you need/want to change the delivery address for your Clash for Eternia pledge, you will have a little more time to do so. The deadline to submit a ticket to our Customer Support is January 22nd. Please read the previous update for instructions to do so.

So, the title of the post should be a hint as to which characters we're going to look at in today's update. And if you've missed any of our previous sneak peeks, you can find them all here!

Within the expansion She-Ra and the Great Rebellion, we welcome the Queen of Castle Chill in the Kingdom of Snows on Etheria: Frosta!

With Ice Control, Frosta creates up to 3 Ice Walls on the battlefield. These Ice Walls block line of sight and cannot be entered.

But that's not all! Ice Walls are sharp and will damage any model pushed into them. With Frosta's ranged Ice Blast that pushes enemies away from Frosta, she can potentially do some damage with the combination of the two.

Frosta starts the game with one of these green skills. Freeze causes an enemy within Frosta's range to lose an action on their activation this round, while Ice Eruption is a melee attack that focuses on field control, pushing enemies away and creating ice walls around her. Great for creating distance against strong melee characters.

Frosta's Ice Spike stacks damage when the opponent is adjacent to an ice wall, taking 2 additional wounds if they're hit by this ranged attack. Frost Armor gives Frosta 1 defense, as well as provides additional defenses against melee attacks.  

Players will find it hard to choose between Frosta's red skills. Ice Barrage targets a single enemy on the battlefield regardless of range or line of sight. It is a 4 [range] attack that can be then repeated on any other enemy after the initial attack. Cryokinesis is a wide-range skill that reduces enemy movement and attack die. Opponents will do well to keep their distance once Frosta unlocks this skill.

With a variety of melee and range attacks, as well as ice armor and ice walls that block line of sight, Frosta is a well-rounded character who can stand toe-to-toe in any matchup. Take Frosta for granted and there will be hail to pay.

Our next character sneak peek is Hordak's second in command in The Evil Horde. It's SHADOW WEAVER!

Shadow Weaver is one of the few Player characters that can control minions. With Dark Summons, she can spawn and activate Horde Wraiths, which are elite minions, within the vicinity. She can also boost the number of Horde Wraiths on the map with Wraith Bolt, which turns any minion she KO's with the skill into a Horde Wraith.

And strength comes in numbers as each Horde Wraith builds on each other's strength, gaining an attack die for every other nearby Horde Wraith. These minions' Wraith Bolt differs slightly from Shadow Weaver's, where on every [grayskull] roll, it adds a success, and an ally nearby gains Power. The more, the scarier.

Shadow Weaver likes keeping a distance, as her green skills are both ranged attacks. Shadow Coils automatically dazes an opponent, and its attack boost can be repeated, dazing another nearby enemy.

Telekinesis pushes away opponents, and its surge increases that distance and/or allows the attack to hit all enemies within 2 spaces of the target. She very clearly does not like to get up close and personal, leaving her Horde Wraiths to do the dirty work.

Mind Control is a particularly nasty yellow skill. It targets an enemy and moves them to Shadow Weaver's will. With a surge, that enemy will even attack their own allies.

Teleport does not only work on Shadow Weaver but also allows her to bring any nearby to her targeted location. It is great for repositioning the team and for quick escapes.

Wraith Queen doubles down on the Horde Wraiths, reducing the cost of Dark Summons, and giving her the option of a particularly nasty attack boost. If 3 [grayskull] symbols are rolled for the attack, the enemy, regardless of health or armor, is automatically KO'ed. This can be boosted by sacrificing a Horde Wraith near Shadow Weaver to add 2 dice to the roll.

Shadow Cage damages and traps an enemy with a Shadow Cage. While the Shadow Cage is not permanent and can be broken by paying Power or attacking it, enemies will be significantly hindered when trapped in one of these.

And that is it for this week! As the ships slowly make their way to the various hubs, we'll be sure to keep everyone up to date.

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Final Call for Change of Addresses
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 02:50:46 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

In our last update we have announced that all Clash for Eternia pledges have been shipped out from the factory. With the packages making their way to the international hubs, we have an important announcement regarding any change of addresses. If you want/need to change your address, please read this update carefully and follow the steps below. The deadline to submit a ticket to our Customer Support is January 22nd.

1. Go to to submit a ticket to our support team. Do not send e-mails to support or post comments on the campaign or social media. The only way to change addresses is by submitting a request through the URL above.

2. On the top right corner you'll see Submit a Request. Click on it. You'll be redirected to a form to submit a ticket to our support team.

3. Request Type: Select 'Change Of Address'.

4. Email: Make sure to fill in the 'email' field with the email used to back this project (regardless if you backed via Kickstarter or if you Late Pledged). This is the email to which your pledge manager was set up, and it's absolutely needed for our team to find your pledge and provide support faster.

5. Subject: Please use 'Masters of the Universe - Address Change' as subject.

6. Lastly, make sure to add and fill out the rest of the fields in the form with the relevant information.

Please keep in mind that it may take a few days for the support team to reach you back, as our team receives many requests and questions daily. For this reason, do not submit more than 1 ticket. This will only slow down the process.

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Exploring Eternia | Terrain - Forests and their deadly things
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jan 06, 2023 at 11:02:34 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, we bring good news! All pledges have been packed, cleared for customs, booked to all hubs, and are being loaded as we speak. This means your games are on their way to you! The current expected ETAs for pledges to arrive at the Hubs are as follows:

  •  Australia: Late January 2023
  •  USA: Multiple shipments between late January and early February 2023
  •  Canada: Early February 2023
  •  Asia: Late February 2023

Please keep in that once the containers arrive at the hubs, it may still take a couple of weeks for them to be unloaded, sorted, and then dispatched. We will keep you posted regarding estimates and shipping updates.

In this week's update, we explore the Forest terrain and its deadly plants. While these terrains are from the core box, there are characters throughout Eternia that can manipulate them as you'll soon find out! And if you've missed the post checking out the Water terrain, you can find that update right here.

In the Core Box, one of the main terrain types you will find is the Forest. It provides shelter for those within it and costs an extra movement to enter or exit it.

A feature of the Forest is Deadly Plants, which can be sometimes found in them, based on the scenario. Deadly Plants attack any character moving into or leaving its adjacent space with a CHOMP!

While Deadly Plants are terrifying to most characters, you'll find some who can bend these plants to their will. Perfuma, from She-Ra and the Great Rebellion expansion, is such a character. 

Perfuma's passive Ecomancer ability prevents any Deadly Plants within the vicinity from attacking her or her allies.  For 2 Power, she can even summon a Deadly Plant in the same area. Summoning the plant next to multiple opponents ensures that they get attacked when they leave the plant's adjacent space! 

Perfuma's green skills let her choose between commanding plants and creating Forest terrain. Blossom is a bonus action, letting Perfuma sprout Forest terrain around herself, immediately shielding her from harm.

While Command Plant: Attack allows her to sick a plant on an adjacent opponent, bolstering its attack by increasing its attack die and providing a reroll. Why wait for your plants to attack when you can make them do it, and better?

Nature's Boon is a perfect skill to couple with Blossom. In one fell swoop, Perfuma heals all allies and attacks all enemies in a Forest at ANY range! In addition, "in Forests" overwrite the Line of Sight requirement for skills, meaning no one escapes Perfuma's wrath! Blossom Forests across the map and turn the battlefield into your domain!

Command Plant: Ensnare is a bonus action that draws all enemies within 4 spaces up to the plant. Combined with Ecomancer, Perfuma can easily force movement and pin down her enemies.

And lastly, Perfuma's best, her red skills, are saved for last. Command Plant: Protect bends the plants around Perfuma to her will and draws the attack to itself. While it can take the full brunt of a targeted attack, area-of-effect (AOE) abilities still apply, so time this wisely.

Nullify Darkness counters any controller skill or strategy card. While the Controller can still pay 2 Power to continue using the skill/card, choosing to use this at the right time when Controller has no Power to pay ensures the cancel. Devastating, indeed.

And, behold! Moss Man from the Box of Power also has abilities tied with Forest terrain. However, instead of Deadly Plants, Moss Man has the ability to create Moss tokens around the Battlefield.

Moss tokens require extra movement to enter or leave the terrain, similar to Forests. However, instead of gaining armor from outside, characters moving in or out need to check if they get damaged by the Moss.

One with the Plants is the skill that Moss Man uses to create Moss tokens as a bonus action. With Mace Smash, an enemy on a Moss token cannot use defense boosts, and Mace Smash can reroll its attack dice!

Moss Man's green skills are attack-oriented. Both Natural Allies and Moss Attack are ranged attacks that are boosted by Moss tokens. Natural Allies is turned into a bonus action if the targeted enemy is in a Forest or on a Moss token, and Moss Attack targets all enemies within 4 spaces on Moss tokens and pushes them after the attack.

Moss Man's yellow skills are both bonus actions that are support based. Natural Camouflage allows Moss Man to duck out at any time to the end of the round when he is on a Moss token. This prevents any negative effects or Wounds Moss Man may suffer during the round. Especially useful if Moss Man were on low health, holds an objective, or is the only enemy target in range.

Natural Recovery uses the Moss tokens around allies to heal them per Moss token. Note that this skill does not require the Moss token to be 4 spaces of Moss Man but rather the ally it's affecting, meaning the recovery can be just as effective at a longer range. 

Moss Man's red skills are downright terrifying. Deadly Plants give Moss Man Perfuma-like abilities, with control of plants and bonus action and boost to summon more plants to the battlefield.

Overgrowth is not only a range attack, it uses each Moss token around Moss Man to +1 Die to the attack. Moss man is also given a choice to remove up to 2 Moss tokens AFTER rolling damage to gain additional successes. Played right and on a lucky roll, this one attack can KO most characters from full health, especially if Moss Man starts to stack his Moss tokens around himself.

And there we have it for this week, 3 terrain types and 2 character breakdowns! We hope you enjoyed the sneak peek of what's to come.

Until the next update, you have the POWER!