
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

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Exploring Eternia | The Holiday Special
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 02:25:26 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Happy holidays, fellow Eternians! This last week, as part of a swift process with customs and, to prevent delays, we've been diligently preparing the various export customs documents, contracts, and license agreements to send off to relevant parties. Our team is working hard behind the scenes to make sure your goods get on boats soon.

And as the rest of us are winding down for the end of the year, we thought it'd be cool to take a quick peek at the holiday scenario for Clash for Eternia.

We start by recounting the type of scenarios that the game has. Clash for Eternia has 3 flavors of scenario types, as described here. 

Save the Holidays is a set-sides scenario. The Controller must play as the Evil Warriors and the Players must be Heroic Warriors. Of course, as conflict is not in the spirit of the holidays, it can also be played as an AI scenario, where a group of Players can work together to thwart the AI.

Skeletor has stolen presents and buried them somewhere in Eternia! Laid around the map, you'll find potential places where the presents could be buried. Find the presents, and bring them home.

We should also take a look at what the specific icons on the maps mean. Here's the icon legend for Clash for Eternia.

As you can see, the task to retrieve the presents will not be easy. On top of Skeletor's elite team of Evil Warriors, Minions patrol the map, deadly plants stalk the forests, all ready to stop you in your tracks. Escalation is also quick in this game, increasing at the end of every round, when a player is KO'ed, or when the presents are retrieved.

The act of retrieving the present, itself, is relatively simple. Spend an action while standing next to an objective to reveal and claim it. And even if it wasn't the presents, you gain 2 Power! Hurrah!

Of course, once the presents are claimed, chaos will ensue. It will be a mad rush back to your spawn point holding the presents as the Controller or AI will swarm you to take you out. It's then the job of those who are not with the objective to hold off the attacking army and make sure your friend makes it safely back!

And be extra careful! If the Controller KO's the players 5 times in total, the players lose and Skeletor will have won the day! Will you find the presents and make it back in time? 

And that's it for the holiday scenario. We hope you enjoyed that little sneak peek at this scenario.

From the team and all of us here at CMON, happy holidays everyone!

Exploring Eternia | Terrain - Water
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 04:10:54 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, a short production update before this week's post.

We’re happy to report that we just received the full Safety Test Result breakdown for Clash for Eternia, and the entire product passed and is cleared for shipping. Safety tests, are a number of extensive chemical tests that are done on the print and plastic components to ensure they meet various safety standards and international regulations. Paint and surface coating materials are tested for lead, and the figures are tested for specified phthalate contents and other potentially hazardous materials. While it sounds relatively boring, this is crucial because it is required for customs clearances. Now that this is finally done, the factory will start the shipping process now, and we will load and dispatch to hubs as much as we can before the holidays and the Chinese New Year break, and will resume shipping parcels that don’t make it out in time after the break. We’ll keep you posted on the ongoings as shipping is now commencing.

In the last update, we looked at the Daze Condition and some characters that utilize it. This week, we continue to explore Eternia and its many mysteries. We'll be looking at Terrain, specifically Water tokens and the characters in Clash for Eternia that use them!

Water tokens themselves hinder movement. They're not tiny rain puddles and should not be treated as such. Any model that enters a space with a water token must stop its movement and must pay 1 space of movement anytime they want to enter or leave the terrain.

While not particularly devastating on its own, we'll soon see how characters that utilize water tokens can dominate the field and shut down their opponents with strategic use and placement of water tokens. 

One of the two characters that can manipulate water is Mer-Man. Not only does he ignore the penalties from a water token, he gains offensive abilities if he's in water, and in the case of the Player Character, opponents get de-buffed and cannot use Defense Boosts when attacked by Mer-Man when wading through water tokens.

Water Control is how Mer-Man places water tokens on the battlefield, and we'll soon see how his skills further enhance his manipulation of water.

For Mer-Man's green skills, you get to choose between the damaging Torrent or the support skill Aqua Rush. With Torrent, water tokens on the battlefield become a dangerous minefield where enemies who come close to water tokens may potentially suffer wounds. Group the water tokens together for maximum damage.

Aqua Rush allows Mer-Man or an ally nearby +2 space of movement if they start their move on a water token. Great for catching your enemy by surprise and closing the distance if your allies are melee characters, as well.

Mer-Man's yellow skills are a choice of control or defense. Aqua Armor spends the water token for +2 armor for himself or an ally nearby, while Aqua Control can really manipulate the enemies' movements, with a range of 4 spaces of water tokens.

Aqua Control is particularly nasty when opponents are rushing an objective or trying to escape, putting a nasty wedge in their plans, especially so if an NPC is involved.

Mer-Man's red skills both require the water token to be removed. For that cost, Encase in Ice dazes an opponent, reduces their Attack die, AND prevents them from using boosts. Whirlpool draws all enemies toward the water token, hitting each one within 2 spaces of the token. Either one of these skills, used strategically, can turn the tide of battle in favor of Mer-Man.

Mermista is the other character that uses water tokens. Similar to Mer-Man, she also uses Water Control and Invigorating Waves to create water tokens on the board, but her skill set is more driven by supporting her allies.

While similar to Mer-Man, Mermista's version of Torrent allows her to cast each bonus action once, potentially dealing 3 wounds with both instead of Mer-Man's 2 with his Torrent's bonus action + surge. 

Healing Waves does exactly that, heal. Also, Mermista doesn't need to be near a water token to use the skill, but she can discard a water token to increase its effectiveness.

Aqua Travel is one of Mermista's more versatile skills. She can send an ally, enemy, or herself between water tokens, regardless of range. That makes this skill extremely useful if Mermista previously laid water tokens around the map.

Invigorating Waves is a great booster for Mermista and her allies, allowing them 2 spaces of movement and 1 power each when used.

And lastly are Mermista's red skills. Hydro-Barrier shuts down an opponent who activates on a water token. They will either need to pay 2 power or attack the barrier to free themselves.

Crashing Waves is a ranged attack that dazes opponents wounded by the attack, causing them to also lose power. If they were unfortunate enough to be near water tokens, Mermista can remove the water tokens to boost the attack.

And that's it for this week. Who do you think would win in a match-up: Mer-Man or Mermista? And who would you team them up with?

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Exploring Eternia | Conditions - Dazed
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2022 at 05:45:58 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, we're making good headway with Mass Production. Trucks loaded with palettes of Clash for Eternia are loaded and moved from our manufacturers to packing centers as we speak. And while we patiently continue to wait, let's take some time to look at characters, gameplay elements, and conditions for Clash for Eternia!

This week, we'll dive into one of the basic conditions of the game, Dazed. We had covered in a previous update that the daze condition was updated on its usage. Previously, a dazed character would be placed on its side. Now, we've included tokens to place onto your figure when you get dazed.

When an attack or effect causes a character to become dazed, a player marks their figure on the battlefield with a Dazed token. When a character is dazed, they:

  • Do not get any defense from armor values, and
  • Have their movement reduced by 1 space

To get rid of the condition, the character must pay 1 Power during their activation to remove the condition. Below, you'll get to see some characters with skills that inflict daze upon your enemies. 

He-Man has 2 skills, a yellow and red level skill that dazes opponents. EARTH SHATTER hits all spaces in a line up to 2 spaces away, and has an attack boost also Dazes enemies in those spaces.

And I HAVE THE POWER! is a red-level skill that dazes and wounds all enemies within 2 spaces as an action, with the capability to turn it into a bonus action with the surge for 1 power. On top of this, the skill gains 2 power the first time He-Man activates each round.

Right off the bat, if you choose IMPROVED GAUNTLETS as Stratos' first skill, Stratos gains an attack boost costing 1 power that allows him to roll extra dice, dazing the enemies he wounds with his attack.

He also has a move boost as his red-level skill called BOMB DROP where you roll dice for all enemies you move through, wounding and/or dazing them depending on the result of the rolls against each enemy. Potentially devastating when used against groups of enemies.

Trap Jaw's an interesting character: as bonus actions, you can flip each of his skills over, basically giving you access to all his skills and weapons throughout the game.

And while his modular arm's got all sorts of interesting attachments, one of his red-level skills is the one that dazes opponents. FREEZE RAY automatically freezes your opponent for any successes rolled on the attack. Any Grayskull symbol rolled, and the opponent will lose power on top of that.

Skeletor also has some skills that daze opponents. His green-level skill HAVOC JOLT ignores armor and dazes the enemy it wounds.

His red-level skill PANTHOR allows him to mount Panthor. When you gain this card, swap your Skeletor figure on the battlefield with Skeletor on Panthor! As a bonus action that costs 2 Power, an enemy within 2 spaces becomes dazed. This is useful where all attack rolls add +1 die against dazed enemies.

This terrifying skill is also reflected in the controller version of the Skeletor on Panthor, with a slight increase in power. When Skeletor on Panthor is empowered, attacking dazed enemies not only increases dice, but you may reroll any attack dice on top of that.

And that was a brief overview of the Dazed Condition and character that utilize skills that inflict the condition. Which characters are you most excited to play with?

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Mass Production Copies - Snake Mountain, Assault on Grayskull, and Box of Power!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 05:39:52 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, in the last update, we showed you the mass production copies (MPCs) that were being approved; The Clash for Eternia Core Box, She-Ra and the Great Rebellion, and The Evil Horde. This week, we're going to show you the remainder of the MPCs that needed to be approved: Wrath of Snake Mountain, Assault on Castle Grayskull, and the one with ALL the bonus content, the Box of Power!

As per the previous update, we start with an unboxing video of the MPCs and follow with pictures of the components within them. The previous batch was approved without a hitch, but we will continue to be vigilant when checking these, as these are the final approvals we will be doing for this project.

As we check specific things with these MPCs, there won't be unboxings of the 3D Terrains or Castle Grayskull as they were already detailed in previous updates. And if you'd like to see the plastics of specific boxes, or want to catch up on everything that's led to this stage, you can find quick links to all the following here:



Production Proofs

Before we begin with this week's content, we'd like to update you with a small thing from the Clash for Eternia's Core Box. We noticed that the punchboard cuts were a little too good, and although this is great in terms of production, it also meant that the tokens were easily falling out of the punchboards on their own. With that in mind, we have decided to pack the punchboards in self-adhesive polybags. 

This extra step will prevent tokens from falling and shuffling around haphazardly during shipping. And now, for the main content.

Wrath of Snake Mountain 

AI, player, and controller cards
Skill and activation cards
Minion, terrain, and reference cards

Assault on Castle Grayskull

Assembling Castle Grayskull
Attacker and defender, minions, and terrain cards
Castle Grayskull reference cards

Box of Power

Top vacuum tray with containers
Minions, mounts, npc, terrain, and lesson of the day cards
AI cards
Hero player controller cards, special Zoar/Sorceress, and Fisto on Stridor.
Villain player controller, as well as Tuvar Baddrah combo
A mountain of activation and skill cards
Another angle of the piles of cards

And there we have it. After another stretch of meticulous checking, we are happy to announce that all MPCs have been received, checked, and approved by us. We are happy with how everything turned out and are satisfied with the high quality of the components presented to us in these MPCs. Here's another picture of everything together!

It is thrilling and extremely satisfying to see the hard work and efforts of the entire team culminate in these final products. Our manufacturers have the green light to complete mass production for the entire project and are overseeing printing and assembly to assure the quality of each and every copy of the game. 

As mass production reaches its final stretch, our next updates should cover the quality check tests - and soon these will be shipping out to backers all over the world. How soon, do you ask? We are working with the factory to determine when the products will be ready to be loaded and we will keep you informed in the next updates!

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Mass Production Copies - Core Box, She-Ra, and Evil Horde!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 11:35:17 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, we've got a large update for you today. So, in the last update, we showed you some behind-the-scenes of our mass production process. With all the printers and machines running at full force, we are receiving expedited copies of each item for us to check and approve. And during this approval process, we're filming quick unboxing videos and took many pictures of their contents. Today, we'll share the videos and pictures for the Core box, She-Ra and The Great Rebellion, and The Evil Horde. This will be the first time we, and you, are seeing the product in its entirety. We hope you'll enjoy opening it with us!

And if you've not followed and would like to catch up on everything that's been happening since the campaign and how everything came about, you can find quick links to all the following here:



Production Proofs

As mass production is ongoing, and the plastics, print, and color samples have all been approved previously, we check for very specific things during this step. Typically, these are the things we wouldn't have been able to check before, like:

  • UV spot alignment
  • Box print alignment
  • Sticker placement
  • Card packaging/count
  • Token dielines
  • Token fragility (whether they tear when punched)
  • Secureness of figures in vac tray with print components

And we're happy to report that the first MPCs look great. The boxes felt extra sturdy, the card quality felt great, and the minis were sealed well through shipping. Without further ado, here are the unboxing videos of the first MPCs!

Clash for Eternia - Core Box

Rulebook and scenario books
Folded battlefield and tracker
Opened battlefield and tracker
Token punchboards
A look into plastics, dice, power cubes, and brown box with minis
AI characters
Player/controller characters and mounted controller cards
Terrain, NPC, and minion cards
Activation, skill, command, and strategy cards
Strategy and reference cards

She-Ra and the Great Rebellion

Player/controller, AI, and mounted cards
Activation and skill cards
Minion and terrain cards

The Evil Horde

Player/controller, AI, and mounted cards
Activation and skill cards
Minion and terrain cards

After meticulous examination, we can say that we couldn't be happier with how these MPCs turned out. We've given our manufacturers the green light, and they can now proceed to finalize mass production for these products.

In the next update we'll have more pictures and videos of other MPCs. We hope you are as excited as we are!

Till the next update, you have the POWER!