
Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia

Created by CMON

All late pledges come with the same promos as regular pledges and will be shipped at the same time, around October 2022. Note: In order to purchase an Optional Buy you must select one of the Pledges ❗️This project will not ship to Europe or Africa! Unfortunately, due to licensing and contractual obligations this project will not be available to Europe and Africa. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By confirming your order, you agree that this sale is final and no refunds will be issued except at our absolute discretion. You further acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the order (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented on Kickstarter or other relevant site. You agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into the pre-order system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities. You are also responsible for providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. Refunds will be net of all handling costs and credit card processing fees. Refunds and/or cancellation requests will only be considered before we begin the process of packaging your pledge for shipping. If you do not accept these terms, please do not confirm your order.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mass Production Process
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 03:17:41 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello, Eternians! By now, most of you would have received an email from us confirming your shipping address. Please ensure that this address is correct as the system will permanently lock addresses in the next 48h and the packing slips for the assembly of your individual pledges and shipping will be generated and printed with the confirmed address. If you have not received this email or are unable to change the address and need to, please contact the support team.

And this email marks an exciting time for us all: The first MPCs (mass production copies) are being expedited to us for final checking. In the meantime, please enjoy pictures of the Mass Production process.

We'll start out with the core box prints.  They are only sheets now and will be cut and assembled with the setup box we've seen in the white samples.

And a mountain of freshly-printed rulebooks and Scenario books. They come unfolded and unstapled, something which needs to be done before packing them in individual boxes. You can just smell the fresh print from the pictures!

Here are the printed sheets for the token punchboards. They have to be mounted with precision to the back of the printed sheet so that they can be precisely cut along the dielines (that comes later).

And a mountain of mini cards. These will need to be cut into individual cards, of course.

Once they're cut and rounded, they're stacked and prepped for shrink wrapping. 

Once packed and shrink-wrapped, they are ready to be assembled into your individual boxes. Somewhere in there is your copy! 

And lastly, here's a short gif of how the 6-fold Battlefield works.

Here we can see the setup box for She-Ra fully assembled with an applied UV spot on the top of the box. Shiny. 

These are the tarot and mini cards that will be cut and sorted into the boxes. 

And the same for the Evil Horde cards, as well.

And the box print for Assault on Castle Grayskull. If you look carefully, you'll be able to see that the printed sheet has been cut along the dieline for assembly. 

And the punchboards for Assault on Castle Grayskull. Here you get to see the artwork for two halves of the Castle Tiles we showed previously.

And a stack of printed rulebooks for this expansion. 

And the rulebook for Wrath of Snake Mountain.

 And here are the Character and skill cards for that expansion.

 And the Scenario booklet for the Box of Power.

And we'll just finish off with trays upon trays of packed cards.

And that's all for today. With everything going well, very soon receive the first MPCs in the office for final checking. While approving that, we'll be able to show some unboxings in the future.

Till the next update, you have the POWER!

White Samples, White Samples, White Samples
about 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 09:14:50 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, these last weeks have been extremely happening in our office. We've been receiving parcels of various shapes and sizes, and piling high on our workstations. And so here we are now, with every white sample for the project in our hands. Take a good look at how much there is.

We hope you're as excited as us to see them. Without further ado, here's every white sample from Clash for Eternia!


We'll start with the core box, with 3 sheets of punchboards at the very top of the box. Previously on a print proof update, we showed the printed tokens with their dielines. Here you'll be able to see the actual cuts from those token dielines.

Beneath that, you'll have the 6-fold Battlefield board, 2-fold Controller board, Rulebook, and Scenario book.

On the bottom-most layer, we have the miniature brown box and remaining components neatly stored in their vac tray. 

Here you can see the 4 player plastic boards and the longer controller plastic board.

Removing the plastic dashboards, you can find all the cards for the core box, the dice, and power cubes.

Here's a close-up of the classy black dice and power cubes with golden marble textures. 

Opening the miniature brown box, you'll find two layers of figures.

We colored the bottom tray black, the top clear, and split heroes from minions for a clearer organization. You'll also be able to find the color bases on the bottom vac tray.


Next we have She-Ra and the Great Rebellion and the Kickstarter Exclusive Kowl model that comes with the expansion.

Here are the print components and punchboard.

And beneath, all the miniatures. We have also included  a slot at the bottom right that can be used to store components or for inserting the Kowl's NPC model, that comes with the expansion only when acquired through the Kickstarter campaign.


 Separately, Kowl's promo box with his figure.


And a Kowl's vac tray inserted into the slot in the expansion box. A good fit.

She-Ra with Kowl insert


Following we have The Evil Horde and the Kickstarter Exclusive Mantisaur model that comes with the expansion.

The print components along with the punchboard dieline.

And beneath that, the miniatures. Similar to what we did with She-Ra, we reserved a special space on the bottom left to store the Kickstarter Exclusive model of Mantisaur's mount.

Evil Horde

Separately, Mantisaur's promo box with its figure and Mount card.


And Mantisaur's vac tray inserted into the slot in the expansion box. Mantisaur fits well too.

Evil Horde with Mantisaur insert


Next, we get to see the print components for Wrath of Snake Mountain.

And beneath all the miniatures from this expansion, including that impressively large Tyrantisaurus Rex!


And the last of the expansions, Assault on Castle Grayskull. Here are its print components, 3 punchboards, cards, and a scenario leaflet.

As mentioned in the print proof update, Castle Grayskull was broken into 3 separate parts for easy keeping. Here you can see the seamless fit on the punched out tiles. 

Beneath the print components, you'll find minions from both sides poised and ready for battle!


Lastly, here are the print components from the Box of Power. 

With the number of cards included, we needed a thick enough tray with extra card slots to cater to those who want to sleeve their cards. You can also see the 2 Power cube containers on the bottom left of the vac tray. 

Each side of the container is embossed. On the top, we embossed the Power Sword, and on the Bottom, a lightning bolt.

And right at the bottom is a giant brown box of miniatures, containing all the stretch goals and daily goodies from the campaign.

On the bottom tray, you'll find plants, mounts, NPCs, and Heroes.

On the top tray, you'll find your villains, mini-clones, objective tokens, and rocks!

3D Castle Grayskull

And the centerpiece of this whole game, the 3D Castle Grayskull!

3D Castle Grayskull

We went with a two-tone red and black print on all sides of the box for something a little extra for this box.

3D Castle Grayskull Front

This set of vac trays went through a few revisions to ensure proper storage and safety. This would be our 3rd and final version of the vac tray, the one we were finally content with for the Castle. 

3D Castle Grayskull

Tucked inside is Castle Grayskull, safe and sound. On the sides are the Castle base and cliffs.

3D Castle Grayskull

With a small pocket underneath for the Castle accessories.

3D Castle Grayskull


Here are all 3 Brown Boxes for the Terrain packs.

We're adjusting the final prints on the cover, which will be in the final product. They'll look like something like this:

We start checking each box for a few things: Structural integrity, component fit, and vac tray gaps for fragile items. When these are checked off, we know they can safely be transported and we're assured to have them approved. 

3D Ruins Pack

 Compacted into 2 layers, we have all the Ruins, neatly packed.

3D Ruins Pack

 And here are the 3D Rocks, which are also packed into 2 layers. 

3D Rocks Pack
3D Rocks Pack

And this is the print for the 3D Nature Set, for which we also added a simple assembly guide for the leaves and plants.

3D Nature Pack
3D Nature Pack


Here is the marble dice. No frills for this one, we simply needed to check the integrity of the dice, the barcode, and the sticker placements.


Last but not least, we have the neoprene battlefield playmat. Previously having approved the neoprene mat, we're looking only at the container here:

Battlefield Playmat

The square boxes help with fitting in the shipping containers and provide a sturdy build for the packing.

Battlefield Playmat

That was a lot of content! As mentioned, barring minor adjustments, these white samples were approved with the manufacturer. We've also sent a copy of all the white samples to run drop tests.

Drop tests will run the boxes through rigorous shaking and dropping from different heights, ensuring that the packaging remains in place and that the components inside are safe from external forces during transport.

And that's it for this update! Till the next update, you have the POWER!

Remaining Plastic Samples and Print Proofs
about 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 07:02:36 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, we've finally received the remaining plastic samples and proofs and that's what we're going to show you today! Specifically, we're going to take a look at the Box of Power Print Proofs and 3D Rock Terrain Set. If you missed any of our updates on preliminary plastic parts or previous print proofs, you can find them here:

Player/Controller Dashboard

3D Ruins Set

3D Nature Set

Core Box Print Proofs

Expansion Print Proofs

In the last update, we didn't manage to show the NPCs from the Box of Power, and the Kickstarter Exclusive Kowl and Mantisaur which come with their individual expansions. So, without further ado, here they are: 

King Randor
Queen Marlena
Prince Adam
The Royal Family

And here's the Kickstarter Exclusive Kowl NPC which comes with She-Ra and the Great Rebellion.


And the Kickstarter Exclusive Mantisaur mount which comes with The Evil Horde.


And now for today's update! This is the thick stack of proofs for all the content in the Box of Power! These contain all the print goodies that you'll be getting in your box.

The Box of Power top box features the amazing Masters of the Universe artwork from 1984 by William George. We watch for bleed and slugs on these proofs, making sure the bleed provides space for marginal shifts and the slugs allow seamless wrapping when they're assembled.

With the back of the box displaying all its glorious contents. For this, we check for typos, content count, barcodes, legal text, and logos. 

And the scenarios book details the 7 special scenarios which require Mounts, He-Man and Skeletor Mini-clones, and the holiday scenario. 

Here's the spread of He-Man and Skeletor mini-clone scenarios.

Here are 4 sheets of Player Characters, with the Controller versions on their back. We check for stats and abilities here, ensuring names and values are written precisely. Each Character should have one card, aside from Two Bad, of course, that has 2 cards, one for Tuvar and one for Baddrah

Next, we're on to the back of the Character AI cards spread over multiple sheets.

Along with their Activation cards. We watch out for typos as per usual and take particular care with special cases, such as Two Bad, which has double the number of activation cards, split between Tuvar and Baddrah, Zoar/Sorceress, and Fisto on Stridor, which is unique as they are a separately mounted character on their own, unlike He-Man on Battle Cat or Skeletor on Panthor who require skill upgrades to gain their mounted versions.

Then we have their skills, which have a huge amount of text to parse and ensure that effects were replicated precisely from the dev files. Capitalization and terminology need to be precise, as well as the way we word the phrases consistently.

Here are the tokens that come within the Box of Power. There are alternate Forest Terrain artwork, character HP tokens, as well as unique character tokens! We check for bleed, which is more important the smaller the component, as there is a minimum bleed space. We need to ensure the graphic is as big as it can be within the bleed space.

Besides the skill cards, there are also the Mount, Minions, special terrain aids, and Lesson of the Days cards! 

The Lesson of the Day deck is shuffled and 1 card is revealed at the end of the game. This is arguably the most exciting mechanic of the game for some!

And that's it. We caught a Fisto-ful of typos, which we're immediately rectifying, and after one more round of revisions, EVERYTHING printed can be approved.

But that's not all for today! We're also taking a look at the final 3D Terrain, the Rock Terrain. The 3D Terrain set completely replaces the punchboard tokens in the core box for all the scenarios in the game. Here is a recap of this set as shown in the campaign:

And with the final production color, these were the pieces we received in the office this week!

As per usual, we immediately check for fitting. Not only for the hex size adjustment but also for how tight the space is between each terrain piece. 

With all the Terrain types available, we can finally look at all the colors together in the flesh. They are distinct and visually clear from each other through color and texture, as intended. 

The next step is to put it all together in a scenario. We'll use one that has all the Terrain types. We chose the He-Man everywhere scenario, above. 

And here's how this looks assembled with the 3D Terrain. You'll notice we don't have tokens, so we used some gold cubes we had lying around.

With the Controller spawn locations, you see the 3 He-Men (He-Mans?) protecting King Randor, the NPC in this scenario.

And on the other end of the board on the player spawn locations, we have 4 of the evil-est villains in the universe ready to take the Masters on.

In the far corner of the map, there's an objective marker hidden deep in some Ruins.

And one more shot of everything together.

So now that we've seen and approved the plastic bits and prints, what's next?

Well, first and foremost is to finalize boxes, inserts, and vacuum trays. Having already done multiple rounds of feedback, our manufacturers are ready to send over White Samples for everything we've seen so far, which you'll get to see, very, very soon.

Until the next update, you have the POWER!

Plastic Samples: Box of Power
about 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 04, 2022 at 12:34:08 PM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, we have a large update with lots of pictures today. We're going to show every plastic piece in the Box of Power. The plastic modifications are complete, and what you'll see here are the final plastics in their final colors. There are the Heroic Warriors, Evil Warriors, minions, mounts, terrain, and objective tokens - lots to see!

You'll see the resin (left) and final plastic (right). During plastic production, some shrinkage occurs, so you'll notice that the resins are slightly larger to account for shrinkage. And if you missed our previous plastic updates, feel free to check them out here:

Core Box Heroes

Core Box Villains

Castle Grayskull

She-Ra and The Great Rebellion

The Evil Horde

Wrath of Snake Mountain

Assault on Castle Grayskull

Heroic Warriors

King Grayskull
Goddess Teela
Commander Man-at-Arms
Battle Axe He-Man
Moss Man
Snout Spout
Clamp Champ
Fisto on Stridor
Stonedar and Rokkon

Evil Warriors

Hurricane Hordak
Bounty Hunter Trap Jaw
Laser Light Skeletor
Lady Slither
Scare Glow
Blast Attak
Fang 'Or
Terror Claws Skeletor
Two Bad


Swift Wind
Plant Terrain
Plant Terrain
Objective Token
Battle Cat
He-Man Mini-Clones
Skeletor Mini-Clones

And that's it, these are the remaining miniatures in the game! We're in the midst of White Samples, print proofs, and more which we'll show you soon.

Until the next update, You have the Power!

Print and Color Proofs: Expansions
about 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 22, 2022 at 02:00:01 AM

By the power of Grayskull!

Hello Eternians, we've got some print proofs today and are excited to show them to you! Before that, some of you noticed in last week's update, that the left and right sides of the castle were the same. You were right. We had uploaded the same side twice. This is the true right side of Castle Grayskull:

And keen backer eyes also noted that the laser turret was assembled the wrong way. It was possible to fix on our end, and we've made sure to inform the factory of the correct orientation to pay attention to during assembly. 

 On to today's update!

In a previous post, we explored the Print Proofs from the Core Box. Today, we'll take a look at She-Ra, the Horde with Mantisaur bonus, Snake Mountain, and the Assault on Castle Grayskull expansions! These are the final steps before the mass production of the paper components start. The plastic production has started months ago and we're now starting the paper production.

Now let's get to it!

She-Ra and the Great Rebellion

As per the Core Box, everything for this expansion came in a single neat pile, with each print file labeled for easy checking and cross-referencing.

Here's the box cover for She-Ra, which was bright and crisp:

As with all files, we cross-reference each Character, AI, Aid, and Skill card to ensure that they were transferred correctly to this stage. We also made sure the token count was accurate, not leaving anything out.

The Evil Horde

Here are the stack of sheets for the Evil Horde expansion:

Another cover that came out nicely on the print proof, with lightning from Hordak's staff lighting his face very well.

Here are the Player, Controller, and AI cards, as well as the Activation and Skill cards. The tokens come with 6 Shadow Cage tokens which Shadow Weaver uses to trap her prey.

And for all backers who have this add-on, they'll also be given the bonus Mantisaur Mount figure and card.

Wrath of Snake Mountain

This batch also comes with a small scenario book, which specifically holds all the scenarios with Tyrantisaurus Rex.

Not just the cover is checked, details like component count and legal text on the back are checked as well. 

Here is the aforementioned scenario book and the token sheet. The Snakemen come with an assortment of new conditions, as well as Terrain markers for Kobra Khan's Sleep Mist. Each new condition is explained in the booklet, as well as in a player aid card.

Here is the stack of Player, Controller, AI, Activation, and Skill cards for the expansion.

Assault on Castle Grayskull

Last but not least, this is the Assault on Castle Grayskull expansion!

This cover art is actually the box cover art used for the original Castle Grayskull playset, which Mattel gave us permission to use for the box art. The cover came out a little dark in some places, which we have noted and are currently adjusting.

The scenario book contains the Assault on Grayskull scenario, which utilizes all the special equipment and cards that come with this expansion. 

As for the token punchboard, you'll notice that we split Grayskull into 2 interlocking tokens, with the cliffs as a separate 3rd token. We found this the best way to store such large pieces of the board without warping and deforming.  

And that's it for today, Eternians! Beyond minor typos and stat edits that we're correcting, the expansions are good to be approved. The only Print Proofs we've not seen as of yet are from the Box of Power, which includes all the Daily and Stretch Goal characters. The Box of Power itself has more print components than all the expansions combined, so we're in for a treat when it comes!

Until the next update, You have the Power!